+386 40216770

METALIZED Microcement

Microcement | Smooth cement > METALIZED Microcement

Microcement CimentArt

CimentArt Metallic is a high decoration sealer that contains microparticles that create metallic or nacreous or pearly effects to the microcement.

It is formulated based on synthetic resins, micronized metallic minerals and selected pigments, with a particularly fine granulometry, prepared and ready to use.

Its main characteristic is its high content of micronized (ultra-fine) metal particles, which easily create metallic or pearly effects, very aesthetic and natural.

The difference with other similar products existing in the market, to achieve the metallic effects, is that it is not necessary to sand or polish the application; the metallic effects in our product go out as it is being applied.

The Metallic CimentArt Sealer is applied on the CimentArt Fine Microcement in floors, walls and ceilings, interior and exterior, which have good natural or artificial illumination.

The Metallic Sealer CimentArt is a decorative product and is applied in thin layer, therefore we need to have the supports already regularized, sanded if necessary and completely clean and vacuumed.

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Topaz metaliziran mikrocement

The finish of the micro-cement and the resolution of the screen may cause the colors shown to be different when applied.

Finishes & Where Use?

Compare and find the ideal CimentArt Microcement for your projects:

  • Microcement
  • Homogeneous/ Consistent Color
  • Color Variations
  • Smooth Texture
  • Medium-smooth Texture
  • Rough Texture
  • Stone-like Texture (Rough and with slate pattern)
  • Indoor Use
  • Showers & Areas Receiving Water
  • Outdoor Walls Use
  • Outdoor floors Use

Our Guarantees

Cimentart states that its Microcement is guaranteed on the following situations, as long as the application norms are being adhered to and the technical data sheets are followed by the book:

  • No cracking guarantee. IT NEVER CRACKS. If at any time, a crack appears on our microcement it will always be that the surface where the microcement was applied has broken or cracked.
  • Guarantee about adherence. We guarantee that our microcement does not peel off or chip from the surface where it has been applied.
  • No discoloration guarantee. We guarantee that our microcement does not have discoloration or changes on its color, as time goes by, even if used in the outdoors.

For more guarantees or consultations click here.

This guarantee does not covers cracking, peeling off or chipping of the surfaces caused by structural movements or building settlements, floods or scratches on the surface.


The methods developed by CimentArt for the application of our microcement have not vary over the time.


Learn more about our products, experts will advise you of the proper surfaces for your project.


We are Microcement producers and we always have a stock of material on our facilities.